Asi Wind’s Top Ten Desert Island Magic Books
Magic and Showmanship (Henning Nelms)
Designing Miracles (Darwin Ortiz)
Illusion Show: A Life in Magic (David Bamberg)
The Full Facts of Cold Reading (Ian Rowlands)
The Tarbell Course in Magic (Harlan Tarbell)
Mind, Myth & Magick (T.A. Waters)
The Books of Wonder (Tommy Wonder)
Mnemonica (Juan Tamariz)
The Magic Way (Juan Tamariz)
The Five Points in Magic (Juan Tamariz)
About Asi Wind
Spontaneous and unpredictable, Asi’s performances are a roller-coaster for the mind. Combining a free-spirited playfulness with superb skill and a uniquely creative mind, Asi treats each audience to a truly memorable experience.
He is globally hailed by magicians as being one of the few performers in the world to constantly innovate, develop, and perform entirely original material. Indeed, when a magician wants to be fooled, he attends Asi’s show. No surprise, then, that a committee of his peers recently presented him with the International Merlin Award for “Most Innovate Show” – an award previously given to David Copperfield, Criss Angel, and Penn & Teller.